You become a member when you make arrangements with us for electric distribution service, either for installation of a new service or when moving into a property North Parkland Power Co-op currently serves.
You may be asked to sign a utility right-of-way and acknowledgement of Terms and Conditions. When a Member is connected for the first time at a service location, whether it is a new or existing service location, the Member will pay a membership fee as defined in Schedule B.
By receiving service from North Parkland Power Co-op, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and it is your agreement with North Parkland Power Co-op for the delivery, acceptance, and payment for electric service under our Rate Schedule and these Terms and Conditions. You also agree that if required by law, North Parkland Power Co-op may disclose to Fortis Alberta the fact of your membership in North Parkland Power Co-op.
North Parkland Power Co-op is and remains the owner of all facilities necessary to provide distribution services to its members. Payment by you for the installation of these facilities or use of an existing service does not entitle you to any individual ownership of these facilities.
If more than one person owns the property, these Terms and Conditions will apply to each of you individually, as well as to all of you jointly. North Parkland Power Co-op may be unable or unwilling to commence or continue to provide you with distribution service, specifically if you do not have the proper permits in place or other requirements have not been met.